
Important milestones in our history:

1990 -

Establishment of RADA company.

1991 -

RADA starts co-operation with Jordan AS (Norway), Europe’s leading toothbrush manufacturer.

1992 -

Launch of the breath fresheners Fresh Breath, currently owned by Noris Polska sp. z o.o.

1993 -

Agreement signed with Cederroth International AB (Sweden), Salvequick wound plaster manufacturer.

1995 -

Launch of Pearl Drops products in Poland - whitening toothpastes and mouth rinse manufactured by Carter-Wallace Ltd. (UK).

1999 -

RADA starts co-operation with LEK (Slovenia) and launches Biodent paradontosis toothpaste.
Launch of Nair depilatories manufactured by Carter-Wallace Ltd. (UK).

2000 -

Launch of Pre-Test pregnancy tests owned by Noris Polska sp. z o.o.
Agreement signed with GABA International AG (Switzerland) and launch of Elmex toothpastes and mouth rinses.

2004 -

Launch of Meridol in Poland - gum problem toothpaste and mouth rinse manufactured by GABA International AG.

2006 -

Agreement signed with Vitabiotics Ltd. (UK), a leading manufacturer of dietary supplements.


Contact us

We will be happy to take your questions and to tell you more about our company and service.

tel.: +48 22 646 22 77
e-mail: biuro@rada.pl


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